Tuesday 6 September 2011

Phone Hacking Latest

I was watching part of Tom Crone and Colin Myler appearing before the Culture, Media & Sport Select Committee earlier today. They were really floundering.

They came across as incredibly shifty and evasive. They were consistently giving rambling and irrelevant replies to perfectly straightforward questions. The substance of their defence of their actions was a variation on a familiar one: 'Decisions were made above us. We didn't know the full extent of what was going on'.

But the essence of the Murdochs' defence was: 'Decisions were made below us. We trusted our employees and we were betrayed'.

Everyone involved in the phone hacking scandal at The News of the World, including those from the Metropolitan Police, seems to think what had gone on and investigating it properly was someone else's responsibility. When questioned, they're all saying, 'I didn't know ... I didn't ask ...' When they're put on the spot and they might perjure themselves, they say, 'I don't recollect ... I don't remember ...' That old one !

Someone from News International and/or News Corporation must have, and therefore take, responsibility for the hacking and other illegal practices such as paying police for information, and the subsequent attempt to cover these things up.

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