Friday 30 September 2011

Cheap Notebooks vs Ones That Are More Expensive

"& no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, & the wine is spilled, & the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles."

- Mark 2.22

This could be a rationalisation for indulging a taste for stationery that is more expensive, BUT:

Do you think the quality of the notebook actually affects the quality of the thoughts put in it ? Will a cheaper notebook worsen my thoughts ?

On the face of it, this seems crazy, but the reason I ask is because I filled my last good quality notebook recently, & went on to a cheaper one because it was what I had to hand.

Despite only just having started using the cheaper one, I felt impelled to buy a new better one, prompted by the - superstition ? - I mentioned above.

Does the quality of the container affect the liquid put in it ?

Well, in the case of making wine, sherry or whisky, most definitely. People who make those drinks go to great lengths to secure exactly the right barrels for their particular process.

I do realise though that an analogy is not a proof.

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