Sunday 8 July 2012

Willard meets the General

The following is a transcription of part of the magnificent scene near the start of Apocalypse Now where Captain Willard goes to General Corman's compound to get his orders. He is asked questions by the General's subordinate, Colonel Lucas, played as you will all remember by Harrison Ford, while the General and a spook look on silently. I transcribed it because Stu & I wanted to get straight exactly what it said:

                                          Harrison Ford as Colonel Lucas

Lucas: You've worked a lot on your own, haven't you, Captain ?

Willard: Yes, sir, I have.

Lucas: Your report specifies intelligence, counter-intelligence with COMSEC/I-CORPS.

Willard: I am not presently disposed to discuss those operations, sir.


Lucas [reading from file]: Did you not work for the CIA in I-CORPS ?

Willard: No, sir.

Lucas: Did you not assassinate a government tax collector, Quang Tri province, June 18, 1968 ...... Captain ?

Willard: Sir, I am unaware of any such activity or operation [clears throat], nor would I be disposed to discuss such an operation if it did in fact exist - sir !

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