Sunday 15 July 2012

A Little Light Atheism

I would like to see the following refuted:

The statement There is a God is one for which there is no evidence; the statement There is no God is one for which there is no evidence to contradict it.

This seems to me unanswerable. It is no good getting lofty (You're simply unable to understand the mysteries of Faith) or offended (Are you really suggesting I'm just making this up ?). Neither of these actually answers the point.

I am aware that there is no evidence for the existence of God, but I find belief in him/her/it comforting, consoling, & it gives me strength & direction seems to me an honest position. To go beyond this & assert there IS a God is simply that, pure assertion, asserted more shrilly the more it is questioned.

To those who say Without God what is the basis for ethics & morality ? I say - how can something that doesn't exist, i.e. God, be the basis for anything ?

Click on the label atheism to see all of my thoughts on this topic on this blog

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