Tuesday 16 August 2022

Dead Cat

[The following is an attempt to make a piece entirely out of buzzwords, buzzphrases, clichés and jargon.]

So unless you’ve been living under a rock and a hard place, you know that Dead Cat is the name on everyone’s lips. In the grand scheme of things, from the perspective of neoliberal peak wokery, Dead Cat is living the dream, living his best life in the crypto winter.  He is smashing it. He is the clinically-proven prebiotic WWF and FSC approved founder and CEO of UK PLC. Nature is healing. Zoom out, Dead Cat’s exuberance is moving into a realm an order of magnitude more cutting edge than revolutionising organic cosplay going forward. Zoom in, if Schrödinger’s tree falls alone in the forest slowly, then quickly, Dead Cat’s holistic synergies cut to the chase back to basics.


Let that sink in.


Dead Cat’s innovative proprietary muscle memory allocates something north of a bull bear market. It’s a mood, it’s a vibe, there is a kind of upcycling thing going on here. It is hashtag in the weeds, it is a downside upside hedge. To rehypothecate, to glamp, despite the due diligence of nerdy gatekeepers, would see Dead Cat over-leveraging his messaging bingo. Is it a truth universally acknowledged that the ongoing systemic buzzwords will fanboy false flags ? Not so much. Long story short, it is unsustainable. Sourcing the market cap of third rail globalists might gaslight hermetically sealed market participants, but here’s the thing, it is what it is.  Deep states working from home smarter not harder will qualitatively ease the asset classes of all and any stakeholders. Big picture, these are not the droids they are looking for, nor the snowflakes. There is an interesting conversation to be had here over time about pattern recognition and its discontents. White hats will red team the Overton window of opportunity with red pills, Laffer Curves and Ockham’s OODA Loops in a zero sum game of the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Needless to say, bildungsroman à clef à outrance is for the birds. Meta ! Churchillian Thatcherites are kryptonite to sound-bite-sized fiscal hawk remainiacs. To coin a phrase, agile blue-sky thinking outside the box. Trolling the median revealed preference of known unknowns in real time, a maverick red flag gone rogue. No biggie, but that would be telling. Face with dark glasses emoji.

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