Wednesday 5 October 2011

What is Bulletins for ?

This blog, Bulletins, is quite simply a flexible vehicle for me to express whatever is uppermost in my mind at the time of writing.

Every so often, I return to working intensely on the mosaic in my head, which is my Understanding.

It is also like a collage which is being perpetually rearranged: some elements added, some cut; some emphasised, some diminished; some urgent, some underlying & essential.

The collage is perpetually in flux, sometimes rapidly & sometimes very slowly, but always, to a greater or lesser extent, waxing & waning like the Moon.


Holding a thought safely until I can pour it into my notebook is like carrying a cup full to the brim with precious liquid.


Here's an image of the process of writing for you. It's what I imagine throwing a pot is like (I've only seen it done, not done it myself.) The lump of clay is your original idea or set of ideas. Throwing it on the potter's wheel is the equivalent of drafting; the slip is your knowledge of grammar and the nuts & bolts of language. Putting the piece of writing into its final form is like firing the pot. Lastly comes publishing the piece, which is like putting the finished pot on display on a stand, for people to make of it what they will.


In a magical ritual, an invocation, you perform a certain set of gestures & words. In music, in writing it is exactly the same. Hence these activities have a correspondence to Magic. It's just the same in acting, painting, sculpture - all the Arts. Sport & cooking also. All these activities have resemblances to one another, and all contain the possibility of Magic, as does Magic itself. For a magic ritual badly performed will not succeed.

As regards Sport, think of the similarity between the Magician's circle on the ground within which he or she works, and the diagrams likewise - think of the similarity between that and the markings on a pitch for any given sport.

The ritual also takes place in Time. On this subject Napoleon had an apposite insight, specifically about battles. He said:

All battles are concerned with Space & Time. Space you can regain, Time never.


Writing projects Thought through Space & Time. Is that not the fulfilment of a Magician's Dream ?

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